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Learning Agreement UnitO Giurisprudenza: All You Need to Know

If you`re interested in studying law in Italy, the University of Turin (UnitO) Giurisprudenza is an excellent destination for you. Like every other university, studying at UnitO Giurisprudenza requires a Learning Agreement. In this article, we`ll dive into what a Learning Agreement is, how to create one, and why you need it.

What is a Learning Agreement?

A Learning Agreement is a document that outlines your study plan for the academic year. It`s an official agreement among you, your home university, and the host university. The Learning Agreement is necessary to ensure that your credits obtained at the host university will transfer back to your home university.

The Learning Agreement is created before your departure to the host university. It should be signed and approved by your home university`s academic advisor, the host university`s academic advisor, and yourself.

How to Create a Learning Agreement?

The Learning Agreement should be created following the guidelines from your home university and the host university. Ensure that you include all the courses you intend to take, the course codes, the credit hours, and the assessment methods.

It`s imperative to pay attention to the courses` language of instruction as the host university may offer courses in the host language. Ensure that you choose courses that are taught in your preferred language or with translation services.

Why Do You Need a Learning Agreement?

The Learning Agreement gives you and your home university the assurance that you`re taking courses that align with your degree program. The document outlines what you intend to learn and how the host university will assess your progress.

Additionally, the Learning Agreement helps you in selecting courses that transfer back to your home university, thus minimizing your time in school. It`s essential to take the Learning Agreement seriously, as it`s a binding contract that determines the transfer of credits across universities.

Take Away

The Learning Agreement is a valuable document that ensures the efficient transfer of credits between universities. As an international student, studying at the University of Turin Giurisprudenza, it`s essential to create a Learning Agreement that meets the requirements of your home and host universities.

Ensure that you choose relevant and suitable courses. Discuss the courses with your academic advisor before your departure, and review your options with a translator if necessary.

In conclusion, learning agreement UnitO Giurisprudenza is a crucial document that you must have as an international student. Follow the guidelines provided by your home and host universities when creating the Learning Agreement, and ensure that all parties sign the document before your departure.